Send beth a message:
Cancellation Policy
If you cannot attend a session, please make sure you cancel at least 48 hours beforehand. Otherwise, you will be charged for the full rate of the session.
If you are interested in working with Beth, please fill out the contact form, and I will be in touch within 48 (ish) hours.

Rates and Insurance
I do not take insurance
I am not on any insurance panels; therefore, I am considered an Out of Network provider. Please check with your insurance company to see if you are eligible for reimbursement. You may need to meet a deductible before your provider will reimburse you. Finally, it is important to find out if couples therapy or family therapy is covered by your provider.
Intensive in-person Therapy
$6400 for Intensive Therapy includes 4 days of therapy on Maui and three virtual sessions before you arrive. You will also receive a copy of the Gottman Couples Therapy Questionnaire. Beth will also give you a comprehensive write-up outlining her recommendations and providing an explanation of the tools we covered. (Flight and accommodations are not included in this price).
Intensive Virtual Therapy
$3200: Fee for Intensive Therapy includes 4 days (2 hours per day) of therapy. You will also receive a copy of the Gottman Couples Therapy Questionnaire. Beth will also give you a comprehensive write-up outlining her recommendations and providing an explanation of the tools we covered.
Counseling Rates
50 minute individual or couples sessions are $200
100 minute couples sessions are $400

Please fill out the form below, email me directly or call me to get a consult or appointment scheduled.